2013年8月7日 星期三

2013 Annual Letter to Clients and Friends 2013致客戶及朋友的年度信

Dear Clients and Friends,

Hello all, 5 Years is gone without a trace, I am happy I am still able to serve the majority of you, according to the statistic provided by government, businessman who can survive more than 5 years in Hong Kong is about 3%, that’s why you know how much I thank God to make me go this far.

Anyway, each year this time I will write to my clients (some of you are my long term friends) mainly for two reason, 1. Tell you I am still in the industry 2. Simply explain what I have learnt in the last year.

Life is full of uncertainties, I always thought I knew, this is such a common sense, but the longer I work as an insurance agent, the deeper I feel.

After I graduated and back from England in 2008, I have attended 23 wedding and 18 funerals in 5 years; it’s good to know life is winning over death. A lot of my friends I know for years have been married and have children one by one, as well as my elder relative or family friends are retiring, some such as my grandma have passed away. I visited her last year in USA, I had doubt whether I should go so far away, I thought maybe I should wait for her to visit Hong Kong instead, I am glad I did choose to fly in the end, because it was the last time I saw her, she passed away only a week after I left USA. This really taught me sometimes you cannot expect there is a lot of time to do things in life, because nobody can know what will happen, it also made me treasure what I have now more, not just focus what I might get in the future.

Thus I encourage you if you want to do something, whether it is a career move, visit someone you want to see, tell someone you care, be with your family, go travel, do it now, don’t try to wait because you are busy, after all, who will say: “I have all the time now to do whatever I want!” when we are too old to do anything?

In general I am quite happy in the last 5 years, I have learnt so much in term of human relationship and risk assessment, not to mention most of my clients have gain from their MPF or investment, because this is such a huge tropics in Hong Kong, many citizen have a very negative view towards the MPF system. I am glad none of my clients are one of them. One of my relatives transferred 100k to Manulife MPF 3 years ago after she retired, she has decided to withdraw the money out in July, without any further contribution, she have found out her asset have 24% gain, she was really happy.

But on the other hand, the sad news is one of my clients suddenly passed away in April due to heart attack, each year I said I will be extremely happy if none of my clients (so far about 270) need to make critical illness or death claim within my first 5 years of career, but it seems my “unbreakable record” has finally been broken just 2 months before it hit the target. He is my first client from mainland China, he have brought 3 million life insurance from me 3 years ago when he was only 40, unexpected he now have left his young wife and two children, the only consolation is that his family do not have to worry about their finance while grieving, and his two daughters can afford to continue their education in Hong Kong. This event have once again made me feel how unpredictable can be.

Last but not least, I wish you all healthy and happy life in the coming year.

Best regards,



大家好, 5年眨眼就過去了, 我很高興我仍然可以繼續服務你們, 根據政府的統計數字, 在香港只有3%的生意可以生存5年以上, 可想而知我是如何感謝上帝令我可以走到這麼遠.

無論如何, 每年這個時候我都會寫一封信給我的客戶 (有些是老朋友) 是基於兩個原因, 一, 告訴你們我仍然在這個行業內 , 二, 簡單 解釋在過去一年我學到甚麼.

人生總是充滿不確定性, 我一直都以為自己已經知道了解, 因為這是很普通的常識吧, 但我在保險行業做得愈久, 我的感受愈深.

當2008年在英國畢業回港, 在短短5年我已經一共参加了23個婚禮18個葬禮; 可幸的是生命都是大終死亡. 身邊很多的朋友都已經一個個結婚跟生小孩, 同時我有些年長的親戚跟家庭朋友都開始退休, 有些像我的婆婆已經過身. 我上年到美國探望她, 我去之前曾經猶豫不定是否應該走這麼遠, 我想其實可以等她下次回港才探望她, 興幸我最後飛了去美國, 因為那是最後一次見到她, 婆婆在我離開美國後一個星期就去世了. 這次的經歷令我更深感到, 人生中你不能經常期望可以有很多時間做各樣的事, 因為沒有人可以知道將會發生甚麼事情, 這也令我更加珍惜我已經擁有的東西, 而不是只關心我將來可能得到的東西.

為此我鼓勵你如果你有甚麼很想做, 不論是事業上, 探望你想見的人, 告訴你關心的人, 跟你的家人在一起, 去旅行, 現在就行動, 不好說因為我很忙所以要多等一會, 說到底, 誰會在我們老到甚麼都做不到的時候才說: 「我現在有世界上所有時間做我想做的事情!」?

一般來說過去5年都算過得愉快, 我學到很多關於人際關係及評估風險的學問, 更不用提大部份的客戶都在他們的強積金及投資中獲利, 因為這在香港是個大題目, 很多市民都對強積金有非常負面的評價, 我很高興我的客戶不是他們其中一員. 其中一個親戚在3年前退休後將她10萬元的強積金轉入宏利, 她在7月決定提取, 發現在沒有供款的情況下, 資產淨增加了24%, 她當然很高興.

但同時也有傷感的事,其中一個客戶在4月突然因心臟病發過身了, 我每年都說如果在頭5年的保險生涯內, 沒有一個客戶(到現時為止有270個左右) 需要得到危疾或死亡賠償, 我就會十分開心, 可惜我的「完美記錄」在達標前2個月被打破了. 他是我的第一個大陸客戶, 3年前當他只有40歲, 他從我那裡為自己買了3百萬的人壽保險, 意想不到現在已經離開了他的年輕妻子跟兩個小孩, 唯一的安慰是他的家人在悲痛中不需為到經濟拮据而擔心,他的兩個女兒也可以在香港繼續學業.這件事令我更感到人生無常.


