2009年4月6日 星期一



當我相信我所遇到的是多麼的不同,在一般人對香港保險界的認知不應該是這樣的,也沒有天真到相信agent被討厭是多麼的不公平,我所相信的是一個Fair Business,而一個Fair Business在一個unfair的世界是多麼的難,保險公司已經是最接近的了.


正如聖經說:你們那一個要蓋一座樓、不先坐下算計花費、能蓋成不能呢。恐怕安了地基、 不能成功、看見的人都笑話他.





聖女貞德十七歲以一名農村文盲女孩 ,帶領法國國家軍隊收復當時由英格蘭人佔領的法國失地,她持續領導著軍隊進行了一系列不可思議的勝利,扭轉了整場戰爭的局面。 2年後的19歲由英格蘭當局控制下的宗教裁判所以異端和女巫罪判處她火刑.

林肯的黑人解放運動成就了馬丁路得,馬丁路得金美國民權運動領袖影響了今日的歐巴馬, 50 Cent





彌留之際,孫中山提到國事的遺言是:「和平……奮鬥……救中國!」 還有「革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力!


而我想望的改革只是像以前的螺旋槳引擎改革到噴射引擎那種,對大家都有好處... 後話.

2009年4月4日 星期六


寫完上一篇「捽數大會前夕 有個朋友告訴我,這樣寫不太好有很多同事會看的,想想也是得罪人不太好,告訴她我回去洗掉好,她又連忙耍手她先要個copy,因為寫得不錯,我們就是這樣矛盾.

上培訓時有經驗的保險從業員也告訴我們會有的Rookie Mistake:不要贏了場架,輸了個生意 (Win the argument, lose the business)



不健康的特點 :自以為是,總以為自己對,別人錯 ,偽君子,滿口仁義道德,背地裏卻做不見得光的事

過九個月了,我已經明白要做的事,在金融海嘯中世界對保險界失去信心,除了因為香港市民對保險的偏見跟無知,更要怪很多無良的agent做成的.要修正這個情況,沒有agent願意犧牲自己的客源而說一些得罪米飯班主的說話,也不需要一個大型運動大家遊行大叫Viva Revolution


而下這個決定 = 放棄人的讚美,對異性的魅力 ,同行的認同,金錢的誘惑 ,直至結果出現.

要是把自己說得太過神聖就另人反感了,我不是不喜愛金錢,人的認同及女人的迷戀,要是你走進入我的腦海,我很有自信你會發現我想耍的樂子比你有可能幻想得到的更勝千萬,特別是令女人快樂的方面 :)





2009年4月2日 星期四




To 紅組,你揀人,人揀你,你怕agent sellagent都怕麻煩,買保險不是買筆,是一個終身的承諾,MDRT百萬圓桌會的handbook講,最怕見到d客係舉棋不定,不理智可以感性,有偏見的可以修正,沒有錢的可以等待,但舉棋不定試一兩次就要Next,當然是買保險Next,不是朋友Next

你會發現有些朋友很懂關心,有些可以談心,有些一起工作上很有效率,有些玩樂是一絕,但不是個個都適合做一些長期合約,關心談心工作玩樂都好,但有樣東西約束 一世真的是thank you very much.


To 藍組,通常不外乎你不適合,大材小用,人會變得好現實...
真的很多人都不適合,做agent要求主動性,十個都不會有一個,香港agent大概有一萬多個,是七百個香港人就有一個是做保險的.開始一聽都以為競爭好大,了解之後發現真係做事的10%都唔知有沒有, 大部份都是吊下吊下鹽水,比老闆「卒」數又死唔去,結果d錢就碌晒入個10% 認真做事的agent袋中...



原來讀得書太多真的是廢,文化有時連人基本的求生本能都殺掉,你試下叫個pHDcold call,最後發現平時論點最叫人拍案叫絕的文人雅仕有事時只會再讀書,實際解決問題的人都是平日唔聲唔聲的平民百姓,做了廿年文人雅仕,現在做了兩個月平民百姓就自動收聲.



To 綠組,你現在身處非常安全的地方,因為歐美等先進國家的保險體系十分成熟,已經不需要agent等煩人.




2009年3月21日 星期六






人生有趣的地方是你永遠都不知道是誰改變你的命運,好像'奇幻逆緣(the curious case of benjamin button)'內的對白:You never know what's comin' for ya.











司機叔叔:係呀, 試過兩三次就知.

自己: 即係你試過啦.










今晚個Party幾好玩,但d酒cheap到:比d'之華氏'稀過水,啤酒就比blue girls, 收就收$260,你同客計我就同佢計.飲你6枝啤,我知酒樓10蚊三枝,但係個道係尖沙咀上樓,d租一定貴,起碼40蚊枝.$40 x 6 = $240,加幾杯'之華氏'水,燈油火蠟水電煤等...





因為愈來愈發現這個世界可花錢的人太多,可找到慰藉的地方極少,這也是符合市場學的supply and Demand.


做得正確會是一個Guarantee Success.

我把這間酒吧命名為The Salvation.

2009年2月26日 星期四

My First Job interview!

I think i had a good start in 2009, hippppppieeeeee!! ^_^

So today I have interview my first guy for my coming team as a manager, in order to build up a very solid foundation in insurance industry.

He is introduced by one of my clients.

You need to be very confident otherwise people disrespect you as a manager, you need to be someone people can look up to, rely on, at the same time you need to prepare to babysit, become a target for complaining, attack, abuse....etc i would like to quote one of my favorite books: the rules of management

"Careers adviser: What would you like to do when you leave school?

16-year-old: I want to be a manager.

Did this happen to you? No, me neither. But there you are anyway.

As a manager you are expected to be a lot of things. A tower of strength, a leader and innovator, a magician (conjuring up pay rise, resources and extra staff at the drop of a hat), a kindly uncle/aunt, a shoulder to cry on, a dynamic motivator, a stern but fair judge, a diplomat, a politician, a financial wizard (no, this is quite different from being a magician), a protector, a Saviour and a saint.

you are responsible for a whole gang of people that you probably did not pick, may not like, might have nothing in common with and who perhaps won't like you much."

hmmmmm, sounds great! >.<

This guy came to me, and guess what he told me? that he got a PHD and huge human network if he make some phone calls his friends will come, do anything, block bullets and die for him? not really...

He was telling me he has lost both of his parents, currently unemployed, her elder sister just got marry can barely support the family, 2 of his younger sisters are still studying, he is getting Comprehensive Social Security Assistance from the government.

I cannot help it but immediately want to help him, the more i work in the company, the more i see in this industry, the more i understand the beauty of this industry is you can never underestimate anyone.

People living in the society, their dress always imply how successful they are, but it does not in insurance, the top sales are not some handsome man who can talk like a charm, but some 40 years old women you can't even remember her face on the street when she walked pass you.

People who is earning million a year probably someone you find his looks funny, and point out laughing.

And you can also find some nice people in the office always produce so little pleasing their manager is their only way to survive.

So I would like to say I am so confident things will turn out great, I do not need a PHD or someone got IQ150, I need someone who work hard and stay strong and consistent and reliable, don't care if he is gay or under dog or dress up like a Santa Claus.

Man, hope is awesome!

2009年1月21日 星期三

Salesman and Obama

Company require us to meet up with our manager to discuss our new year plan, how to improve performance and such, then we had a day training.

So I went in to see my manager's manager's manager to discuss my "career", he is a nice guy holding a PHD in phiolophy, deep thinker...

Since my performance did not go so well in the last 6 months, he needed to talk to me and see what is going on.

I explain I have problem adjusting my brain to this new envirnoment, and the most fundamental problem is it is hard for me accepting my job position is a salesman, which I have never thought it would be.

There are a lot of reason, and of course it includes I was educated in England, and my family value myself very high, and this job can basically fit everyone, from freshly graduate from high school to PHD holder. I would expect I should be someone more "important" than a regular salesman after my education background.

As expected this manager have to resolve my issue.

He told me he sees himself as a educator (obviously), I think there were few good points to make me feel better.

In someway all of us are keep selling something in our life, when we say nice things or we chase after skirts, we are selling ourself as a good person or a good boyfriend.

CEO need to sold and present his ability as a management material.

And we all sell ourselves when we do job interview.

Obama sold the concept of "change" successfully, he did not even get to mention what is the contents of "change"? at least our policy clearly states how much will our client get after certain years, and people buy that idea and the whole country embrace himself.

I can even say my dad is selling Jesus and salvation all his life as a preacher.

I finally start to understand and pay respect to this job and not influence by the social value about salesmen, its function and conept lies within us, the only problem is I need to be surethe product I am selling are good for the clients, there is nothing to feel ashame of.

I hope I will be better this year, even I have said that, I want to get on to management levels asap because my strength do not lie in selling but management.

p.s. i did not want to debate with my manager, there is different between salesman and obama, the amercian do not have to pay money now, that's much easier :)

Crazy woman at breakfast

After the morning trainning i went downstair for a breakfast alone.

After getting the food from the fast food shop, I was looking for a place to sit down to enjoy my breakfast, then i saw this weird woman sitting alone look like talking to herself.

I intend to sit opposite to her and see what is going on because i feel there is nobody sit around her while she is pointing fingers in the air.

after the depression and the conversion, I have not much fear towards people, esp. strange people, you see normal people are classify as normal sit on the culture and society value, while strange people can be pioneer, great artist, philosophy, even jesus was consider to be crazy at his time (maybe even now), as well as Newton, Estein, etc.

Anyway, she is totally talking to herself, i think her mental status have already constrain to a stage she is totally living in her own world, it could be something big hit her so hard made her become crazy.

I was at the edge of this stage for couple months, the different is i struggled, being saved then come out afterward.

And when someone have gone through great tragic, either they have changed to someone cruel, very defensive or have total symapthy towards the others, I am glad i was the last type and i know few of my friends have become the first and second.

She took out her nail clip and use it as a mirror to put her lip stick on, then talking at a direction repeated and i think she pretend singing at one stage, and suddenly laugh, i assume her brain came out some sort of happy memory and it trapped her mind, later on become a lot of foul lauguage and curse.

I was having my noodles and looking at her the same time. she need two slaps in order to get her attention, obviously i could not do that.

I wish i could do something but there is nothing i can do, i can only imagine when i was at that stage and trying to get out from a mind trap which was totally helpless.

And i remember those who hurt me and why i wanted to seek for a revenage because i did not understand something lead to a mental disorder, i needed a bigger impact to wake me up, so i coughed twice loudly, right in front of her, she has no respond even i did that when i was only 15 cm away from her.

As I walk away, she is still enjoying her dream, i fully understand what she is going through more than herself, but there is so much man cannot do.

This is the other view of the city Hong Kong.

140 Million of the population is undergoing light depression, 70 Million is currently on medication.

I started to understand when bible said, God let His people to suffer in order to become consolation of the others, and God did let me suffer and become sensitive to pain, i wish i can blame someone or something, but it is not important anymore.